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Organic vs. Paid Social 2024

It’s that time of year whenI write about Paid vs. Organic Social media marketing. Paid marketing and organic marketing are two fundamental approaches in the digital marketing landscape, each offering distinct advantages and suitable for different strategies. My personal taker on the two?  Since I built my business on the paid end of social marketing I do have a preference but over the years I have added organic marketing to the quiver of services I offer for two reasons; When both the paid ads and organic feed are in sync the client’s online presence is boosted exponentially and video ads create a surplus of content, plenty for both paid and organic use. 

Here is the 2024 update and three key points comparing these two types of marketing:

1. Cost and Budget Implications

Paid Marketing: Involves direct costs as you pay to have your content seen by a broader audience. Platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads are commonly used, and expenses can vary widely depending on the competition and the target audience. Paid marketing often yields quicker results and can be scaled up rapidly if successful, making it a good choice for businesses looking to increase visibility or promote specific campaigns in a short amount of time.

Organic Marketing: Relies on free tactics, which revolve around building a presence over time through SEO, social media engagement, and content creation. The main investment here is time and effort rather than direct costs. Organic growth is generally slower and requires consistent effort, but it can establish a durable online presence and credibility that lasts long term.

2. Control and Targeting

Paid Marketing: Offers high levels of control over who sees your content, when they see it, and where it appears. You can target very specific demographics based on interests, geographic locations, behaviors, and more. This precision allows for tailored campaigns that can directly address the needs and profiles of your target audience.

Organic Marketing: Less control over who sees your content and when. It requires you to build content that naturally attracts an audience through value and relevance. The targeting is based more on attracting users who are seeking information or solutions that your content provides, relying on keywords and genuine engagement.

3. Impact and Sustainability

Paid Marketing: While it can drive quick results in terms of traffic and conversions, its impact often lasts only as long as you are willing to pay for the exposure. Once the campaign budget runs out, the traffic typically decreases unless supplemented by additional paid efforts.

Organic Marketing: Builds a foundation that can sustain itself longer once established. Effective SEO and engaging content continue to attract new users without additional direct costs. The impact of organic marketing tends to grow over time, compounding its benefits as your content gains more visibility and credibility.

Both paid and organic marketing strategies have their place in a comprehensive digital marketing plan. Typically, the most effective approach combines elements of both, utilizing the immediate impact of paid marketing to bolster short-term goals while investing in organic marketing for long-term success.

If there is a topic you’d like to hear more about by all means comment below or direct message and I’ll do my best.

Nothing better than a good question to jump into.

Reach out for a talk over coffee or a hike I give information freely. I only ask to be paid when I do the work.

Comment below or share.

Trina Gold 

Master Creator

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